My name is Gabby and I have been obsessed with weddings since I watched "The Wedding Planner" with Jennifer Lopez & Matthew McConaughey when I was 10 years old. I worked my first wedding when I was 15 years old, and I KNEW right then and there that this was the industry for me. Capturing love stories is truly a passion of mine, and I get goosebumps and teary eyes at every wedding I photograph! Now that I'm a mom, without fail tears will be flowing down my face behind my camera during your mother/son and father/daughter dances!

GM Photography started over 12 years ago

- I was born and raised in the Springfield, Illinois area! My husband and I moved to Miami, Florida for 14 months so he could explore a career with the Miami Dolphins Sales Team, however due to COVID-19 we ended up moving back to the Springfield area, but we have our eyes set back to the coast at some point in our lives!

- Hi my name is Gabby and I am a caffeine addict. Coffee is a MUST in the morning for me. And diet Pepsi throughout the day. Nobody needs to see me without those two drinks in my system!

- We welcomed our first baby into the world in January 2022! My heart has never known a love like this before. Becoming a mom has been my favorite thing ever. I am lucky enough to spend most of my days at home with him (when I'm not off at a shoot), and it's the biggest blessing!

- We are a HUGE football family. My husband played his whole childhood through college at Illinois State University, and now he coaches high school football. Which also means I am extremely invested and we actually bond over being able to talk about all the drama that happens through the NFL/College/High school levels (Ladies, the tea is HOT when it comes to NFL I promise you it's so much more interesting than just watching a ball be thrown around!)

- I have watched the shows Gilmore Girls & FRIENDS completely through more than I should ever admit. You know those people that say if you re-watch the same show over and over instead of starting something new, you probably need therapy? Well, while I am not disagreeing we could all benefit from therapy, I think they're wrong and chose to believe I'm fine in my little bubble!

- I recently became a Bravo Girly and am a Southern Charm and Summer House STAN. I 100% will be watching those shows and/or listening to my favorite podcast Giggly Squad while I am editing your photos

QUIck facts about gab

Matt & I started dating at our Sophomore year homecoming dance in 2011. And let me tell you, we are SO not the same people we were when we started dating! Life has taken us through a lot of ups and downs over the past 10 years. But, I can't imagine life without him by my side through it all. When you hear that saying, "Marry your best friend", it's such important advice. Matt and I are laughing all the time when we're together, and being best friends has been the strongest foundation of our relationship/marriage we could have ever needed. 

He has been my biggest supporter when it comes to this business! He understands my passion for it and is always cheering me on. He just joined the team as our wedding videographer and we are so excited to be working together!

i married my highschool sweetheart 

The GM Photography team consists of myself, my sister, Tori, and my husband, Matt! These two joined three years ago as my second shooters, and Matt as our Wedding Videographer. They help me the day of weddings, along with helping with behind the scenes stuff for the GM Photography social media pages. God bless their souls for helping me as much as they do! 

follow us on instagram!